
상하이 택시비 7월 9일부터 13위안으로 올린다.

JACK LEE 닐로 2011. 7. 9. 00:41


중국 상하이시가 택시비를 올린다.

현재 기본요금이 12위안인데, 7월 9일부터는 13위안이 된다.

그리고 8월 1일부터는 연료비가 별도로 1위안 추가된다.

결국 8월부터는 택시 기본요금이 연료비 포함 14위안으로 올라가는 셈이다.


Shanghai will introduce new taxi fares starting tomorrow, charging passengers 2 yuan (30 US cents) more per trip to deal with higher fuel costs.

The flag-down fare will rise to 13 yuan from 12 yuan, and a new fuel surcharge of 1 yuan per trip will also be applied, the Shanghai Development and Reform Commission said today.

The new and old rates will co-exist among the city's approximately 49,000 taxis till the end of the month as it takes time for taxi firms to upgrade meters, officials said.

The city government had offered two price-hike options for public hearing. In that abandoned proposal, the flag-down rate would remain unchanged but the per kilometer fee after the first three kilometers would rise to 2.7 yuan from 2.4 yuan.

A night trip after 11pm will start at 18 yuan, including fuel surcharge, from 16 yuan now.

Transport officials said the city will intensify its crackdown on illegal cars which may see rising business after the price increases in licensed cabs.
