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시사 관심꺼리/경제경영금융부동산

한국의 세계무역환경지수는 26위


  스위스에 있는 세계경제포럼( World Economic Forum,WEF)이 2009년 7월7일 발표한 2009년 무역환경지수(Enabling Trade Index)  순위(ranking)에 따르면, 홍콩이 1위, 싱가포르가 2위, 스위스가,덴마크가 다음을 이었고, 한국은 대만에 이어 26위에 매김 되었다. 일본은 23위이다.

  상위 10위 순위는 차례로 Singapore, Hong Kong,Switzerland,Denmark, Sweden, Canada, Norway, Finland, Austria, Netherlands이다.


평가기준에 대한 내용이다.

 The Global Enabling Trade Report 2009 measures and analyzes institutions, policies, and services enabling trade in national economies around the world, highlighting for policymakers a country’s strengths and the challenges to be addressed. The Report includes the most current data and recent analysis of the factors enabling trade in industrialized and emerging economies, as well as the latest thinking and research from trade experts and industry practitioners.


  The Report presents the rankings of the updated Enabling Trade Index (ETI), developed by the World Economic Forum in collaboration with international trade experts and leaders from the logistics and transport industry. It is a comprehensive index intended to capture the full range of issues that contribute to impeding trade, ranking nations according to factors that facilitate the free flow of goods across national borders and to destination.

  Since the publication of the Report in 2008, the Index has been enhanced by explicitly introducing the export dimension. The last section of the Report contains detailed profiles for the 121 economies covered by the ETI.

  In addition, the Report includes insightful contributions from a number of trade experts. Among these essays are explorations of different aspects of trade facilitation, such as the availability of trade finance in the current financial climate, analysis of non-tariff barriers, and global efforts in the area of trade facilitation. A particular focus this year is on customs, a key area of the Doha negotiations.


원문보기 : http://www.weforum.org/en/initiatives/gcp/GlobalEnablingTradeReport/index.htm

